Erik Joseph Egbert – Chat Log
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*** Hi Agent! Erik Joseph Egbert would like to add you as a contact. ***
Erik Joseph Egbert: Hey there
Erik Joseph Egbert: I’m from [REMOVED] Agent: fifteen/female/nc ❤️ and you babez?
Erik Joseph Egbert: 45 male North Carolina as well Agent: 45 really! I luv older! Thats freaking HOT AF! I’m really 15 I don’t rolplay Agent: My X was 22 but his dad was hot!! Are you hot? I’m in Cary!
Erik Joseph Egbert: I’m not bad looking lol Agent: Send me a pic
Erik Joseph Egbert: You look older Agent: TY I’ll be 16 in the summer. WOW you are HOT AF!!!!!!!!!! I don’t sell babez, but I have naked pics and videos uploaded online to hide it from my mom! ❤️ Wanna c them?
Erik Joseph Egbert: I’d check em out lol Agent: password is my birthday 7/22/2008 Agent: Here geez If my mom finds out I’m gonna be MAD at you! Agent: Which was your fav babez? Agent: Which was your fav babez?
Erik Joseph Egbert: All of them are nice Agent: Thank you babez! Woohoo, my mom is going to work in like 15 mins then we can cam all dayy! ❤️ Agent: So are you single too?
Erik Joseph Egbert: I am single Agent: Good cause I don’t like to share my man! hehehe. Any more pics?
Erik Joseph Egbert: I don’t have pictures like that
Erik Joseph Egbert: You need to be 16 already so I can taste you lol Agent: Why? You can taste me still silly. Are you far from Cary?
Erik Joseph Egbert: No I’m not far. About 40 minutes Agent: Wow cool!! Have you ever been with a girl my age before? I have A LOT of energy!
Erik Joseph Egbert: 16 is legal age for consent here lol
Erik Joseph Egbert: No I have not. Agent: Oh. Well I’m not telling anyone hehe
Erik Joseph Egbert: I’ll talk to you but it should be clean until your birthday lol Agent: LOL, thats boring! Agent: I wish you had another pic I wanna c more of how cute u r
Erik Joseph Egbert: I don’t do pictures like that of myself Agent: 😭 Ok, but you are gonna cam with me right?
Erik Joseph Egbert: I might be able to do that
Erik Joseph Egbert: When
Category: Chat Logs