David Mitchell Treadwell Jr – Chat Log
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*** David Mitchell Treadwell Jr would like to add you.***
*** Hi www.SOYFIP.org Agent! David Mitchell Treadwell Jr would like to add you as a contact. ***
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Hi there, I have you on [removed] and [removed]. I gotta say you have some beautiful girls on your stuff. And I’d love to see more.
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: 15/f/nc! – age/sex/lcoation babez ❤️ ?
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: I’m older. I’m 41/m/TN
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: 41 wow! i luv older! im really 15 years old and i do NOT roleplay!
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: hehe my x was 22 but his dad was HOT!
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: Are you hot? Send me a pic babez
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Nothing wrong with being 15. And no problems on not roleplaying. I use to do beard competitions so I’ll send you a pic from my last one.
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: WOW!!! Your hot as fuck I luv the beard!
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: I’m 15 and I don’t roleplay!
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: i have my naked vids and pics uploaded online, wanna see?
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Thank you. Do I get to see you? I’d love to see you
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: i have my naked vids and pics uploaded online, wanna see?
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: ?
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: Hello
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Yes ma’am I’d love to see them
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: password is my birthday 11/22/2006
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Damn your beautiful and sexy. Love that pussy too
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: TY babez! You have any more pics
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: WOW ur big as fuck you might hurt me
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: babe! my mom is leaving for work in like 15 mins then we can cam ALLLLL dayyyyy
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: It’s not that big. And I’m at work currently so I can’t really cam. But I would love to see more of you. Specially videos of you in action
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: YES it is!!
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Well I’d love for it to be bigger.
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: ITs big enough it migh thurt
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Pain can be fun and pleasurable. And yes ma’am I do
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: Hot! I ahve more pics and vids wanan c them?
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Yes ma’am I do. I wanna see all you got
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Those are the same in the other file it looks like
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: Shouldn’t be
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Yeah sorry but each one I open has the same. And the videos are same with no sound either
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: They differnet when I look and there is sound
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: Well anyways my mom will be gone soon and we can cam
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: Are you singel too
David Mitchell Treadwell Jr: Yes I’m single. And I’m at work. I can’t cam at work. But u can make me a personal video and send to me
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: Aww why you can get on cam on your phone you don’t have to be naked lol
Category: Chat Logs