Daniel Gallear – Chat Log
*** Daniel Gallear would like to add you.***
*** Hi www.SOYFIP.org Agent! Daniel Gallear, would like to add you as a contact. ***
Daniel Gallear: Hi seen ya pH
Daniel Gallear: Hey
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: heyyy 15/f/north Carolina u bby? <3
Daniel Gallear: Heey 27/m/Sydney Australia.. I’m Danny BTW
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: 27 really? I luv older! and bby I don’t like liars and I do NOT roleplay im really 15! I like the realy thing heheh
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: hehe my x was 22 but I did think his dad was hot
Daniel Gallear: Hmmm
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: do u have a pic
Daniel Gallear: Can I cal you so we can get to know each other
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: cant my mom is here ;( but well I have a folder of naked pics and vids of me playing with myself hehehe! wanna c them?
Daniel Gallear: Yh
Daniel Gallear: Not supported
Daniel Gallear: Try n send 1 ATM babe
Daniel Gallear: Babe?
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: only way to send on the web viersion
Daniel Gallear: Will it work my laptop
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: yea it works that’s y I sent silly
Daniel Gallear: Babe
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: ?
Daniel Gallear: Its not working on my phone so I’m trying on my laptopp
Daniel Gallear: Wanna watch me on a call
Daniel Gallear: You can have ur cam off
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: works on my computer
Daniel Gallear: Waiting for if load up now
Daniel Gallear: Are they naughty
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: soo slow
Daniel Gallear: I know
Daniel Gallear: Still waiting
Daniel Gallear: mmmm
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: still waiting
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: wtf
Daniel Gallear: I seen first 2 pics
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: hehe u lieky?
Daniel Gallear: how long till mommys gone.. nah I love it
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: whats ur fav vid?
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: ?
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: I sent 2 of them
Daniel Gallear: First one
Daniel Gallear: So fukin perfect
*** Call from Daniel Gallear***
*** Call ended***
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: hehe do u think u could handle me
Daniel Gallear: I’ll destroy you
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: I cant even tell what ur pic is
Daniel Gallear: Sorry
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: what is it lol
Daniel Gallear: Me
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: oh hehehe
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: ur pictures suck I cant see haha
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: bby my mom is getting ready to leave for work soon! she will be gone ALLLL day then we can play on cam!!!! heheheh ok bby?
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: my mom leaves in like 15 mins baby then we can cam ALLLLLLLLLLLL DAYYYYYYYYYYYY
Daniel Gallear: Promise
Daniel Gallear: Be my new bby
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: do u have a normal pic haha
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: WOW ur hot af!
Daniel Gallear: Mmm
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: I have more pics and vids too
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: hehe wanna c?
Daniel Gallear: Yh
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: tell me if ur bigger then my x
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: hehe
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: r u bigger then my x
Daniel Gallear: Maybe
Daniel Gallear: Yeah I am
*** Missed call from
Daniel Gallear. ***
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: u might hurt me
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: stop my mom is here
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: she is leaving soon then we can cam!
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: duh!
Daniel Gallear: I’m xd
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: so h ave u ever been with a girl my age before
Daniel Gallear: We going get that pussy wet as fuk
Daniel Gallear: Not for years
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: could she handle u
Daniel Gallear: I was. 21 she was 15 and yeah I made her
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: heheh di u meet her online too
Daniel Gallear: She loved it ..
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: brb my mom is calling for me
Daniel Gallear: Yeah but she lived down the road
Daniel Gallear: Run back
Category: Chat Logs