Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr – Chat Log
*** Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr would like to add you.***
*** Hi www.SOYFIP.org Agent! Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr, would like to add you as a contact. ***
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: heyy asl? 15 f texas here <3!
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: wow your pic is hot i luv older!!!
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: hhehhe
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: can I see u on cam
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: age?
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: 27
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: lets video chat
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: 27 really! i luv older heheheh! im really 15 i do NOT roleplay its freaking WERID! is that ok bby?
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: i cant video caht my mom is here!!!! but hhehehe well i like to show off! i have a folder of naked pictures and videos of me playing with myself! hehehe <3 wanna c them???
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: ok baby,i love u
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: hehe i luv u!
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: r u a virgin,,or do u love to fuck
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: no im not a virgin lol watch the videos and you will see im not!! lol
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: r u sing;e
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: single
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: yea
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: u
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: yes baby,,i am all yours,,
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: u can b my girl
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: and I will let u fuck all the boys u want baby,,and u can still b my girl
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: no im not a virgin lol watch the videos and you will see im not!! lol
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: baby
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: sooo what is your fav video baby? i sent 2! hehehe <3.
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: ?
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: how boys did u fuck today
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: 0
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: sooo what is your fav video baby? i sent 2! hehehe <3.
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: when is the last time u fucked
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: sooo what is your fav video baby? i sent 2! hehehe <3.
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: I looked at one,,u r beautiful,,i will look at the rest later,,lets chat for now
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: bye
[ | Removed 4:55:17 PM]
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: This message has been removed.
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: sry wroing person
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: so bby do u think you could handle me
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: yes baby,,i saw them all,,and I love your pussy so much
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: I want to fuck u so bad
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: my mom is finally leaving soon so i can get the cam then hehehe. wanna play on cam with me bby? hope u dont care that im 15 im just freaking horrrnnnyyyy!!
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: do u have any mroe pics
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: yes baby,,
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: will u b my gf
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: maybe hehe
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: do u ahave any more pics bby
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: will u fuck other boys for me
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: would u like to do that
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: yea hehehe
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: i have more pics and vids wanna c
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: no,,but u can see me on cam,,when your ready
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: yes baby
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: ok hehh
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: I want u to fuck boys for me,,when u can,,ok,,promise me,
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: I love it
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: heheh whta was your fav
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: your delicious pussy
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: will u fuck some boys for me later baby
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: wyd
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: nothign my mom near me
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: brb bby
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: ok
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: she is bout to leavre soon
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: so have u ever bene with a girl my age before
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: no babe,,is your pussy yummy
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: heheh youll see it soon
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: brb i think she is leaving
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: rb
www.SOYFIP.org Agent: brb
Eddie Joe Oglesby Jr: ok
Category: Chat Logs