Scott Their – Chat Log
*** Scott Their would like to add you.***
*** Hi Agent! Scott Their, would like to add you as a contact. *** Agent: 15-f-washingotn (lips) age/sex/location baby??
Scott Their: m 30 usa
Scott Their: maryland Agent: 30 WOW REALLY!! (L) (L) is it ok that I’m 15 baby? my x was 22 but I did think his dad was even hotter hahaah! (L)
Scott Their: you so cute Agent: woow I never been to the east coast
Scott Their: do u have a cam or mic I do
Scott Their: kiss Agent: not now my mom is here but (bear) I have naked pics and a vid of me strippin heheheh (L) wanna c?????
Scott Their: id love to call you and make you my bad girl
Scott Their: ill see sure
Scott Their: hell I don’t mind if she sees u becoming mhy slut
Scott Their: my
Scott Their: u wanna be mine? Agent: yes daddy your hot I love your pc soooo baby did you like my vid? what color were my panties in the vids? hehehe
Scott Their: mmm that’s one nice body
Scott Their: I wanna fuck Agent: hat color were my panties in the vids?
Scott Their: i like
Scott Their: lack
Scott Their: black Agent: hehe do you think you could handle me?
Scott Their: oh yes but could you me… Agent: I dunno hehe how big are you
Scott Their: very kid very Agent: heheh my mom is going to work in like 10 minutes baby then I can get the cam from here room! (L)(L) are you sure you want to cam with me even tho I’m 15 baby?
Scott Their: wanna take it hun
Scott Their: i don’t care
Scott Their: i have cammed 13 year olds
Scott Their: wish u were here
*** Call from Scott Their***
*** Call ended, duration 00:04 *** Agent: haha really
Scott Their: ya Agent: do you have a pic I can see baby
Scott Their: sure u know u want it don’t u Agent: yea heheh I wanna c you baby Agent: woooow hehe I don’t know if I oculd handle that Agent: its bigger then my x
Scott Their: kiss Agent: hehe wannma c more pics and vids of me hehe
Scott Their: u want it
Scott Their: u got any with sound
Scott Their: i cant wait to cam Agent: me too Agent: so have you ever been with a girl my age before? Agent: once my mom leaves I can get the cam but I don’t have a mic ;( whats your number and I can call
Scott Their: yes
Scott Their: got any sisters? Agent: no lol Agent: whats ya # daddy>?
Scott Their: you facetime? Agent: no I don’t have an IPhone I’m gonna get on cam once she leaves Agent: so what would we do if we were alone rightn ow baby
Scott Their: oh i don’t use phone i use facetime for my number on ipod since my cell broke Agent: oh heheh Agent: what would we do if we were alone rightn ow baby
Scott Their: that’s why I’m on pc camming
Scott Their: on skype
Scott Their: is she almost gone Agent: brb she is calling for me Agent: brb
Scott Their: and u don’t want me to spoil everything we would talk about on cam?
Category: Chat Logs